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AS 17100:2022 [ Current ] Translation services - Requirements for translation services (ISO 17100:2015, MOD) standard by Standards Australia ,...
AS 8501.3:2022 [ Current ] Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness, Part 3: Treatment grades of welds, edges and other areas with surface imperfections (ISO...
AS 3751:2022 [ Current ] Underground mining - Slope haulage - Couplings, drawbars, and safety chains standard by Standards Australia , 12/23/2022 ...
AS 60099.5:2022 [ Current ] Surge arresters, Part 5: Selection and application recommendations (IEC 60099-5:2018 (ED. 3.0), MOD) standard by Standards Australia...
AS ISO 21511:2022 [ Current ] Work breakdown structures for project and programme management standard by Standards Australia , 12/16/2022 ...
AS 60099.4:2022 [ Current ] Surge arresters, Part 4: Metal-oxide surge arresters without gaps for a.c. systems (IEC 60099-4:2014 (ED. 3.0) MOD) standard by Standards...
AS ISO 21500:2022 [ Current ] Project, programme and portfolio management - Context and concepts standard by Standards Australia , 12/16/2022 ...
AS ISO 21502:2022 [ Current ] Project, programme and portfolio management - Guidance on project management standard by Standards Australia ,...
AS 2213.1:2022 [ Current ] Commercial road vehicles - Mechanical connections between towing vehicles, Part 1: Selection and marking of pin-type couplings and drawbar eyes standard by
AS 2703:2022 [ Current ] Vehicle detector systems standard by Standards Australia , 12/16/2022
AS 3634:2022 [ Current ] Solar heating systems for swimming pools standard by Standards Australia , 12/16/2022
AS 4629.2:2022 Automatically operated valves for use with gas, Part 2: Vent valves standard by Standards Australia , 12/16/2022
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