IEEE 1876-2019

IEEE 1876-2019 IEEE Standard for Networked Smart Learning Objects for Online Laboratories

standard by IEEE, 05/30/2019

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This standard defines methods for storing, retrieving, and accessing online laboratories and associated data as smart and interactive learning objects. For this purpose, the standard does so within the context of defining an online laboratory (lab) as a Lab as a Service (LaaS). The standard also defines methods for integrating online laboratories as smart learning objects in learning environments and learning object repositories. Finally, this standard demonstrates, through use cases, how adhering to the methods defined herein can satisfy pedagogical objectives. Within the context of this standard, LaaS is defined as a set of interface requirements to be met to satisfy the first level of standardization. This provides a standard interface. Once this interface is established, an online laboratory should fit within learning frameworks as a Learning Object to provide pedagogical value. This capability, however, is not something that can be guaranteed. Therefore, the second level of standardization is defined as a set of recommended practices.


The purpose of this standard is to ease the design, implementation and use of online laboratories for education. It is understood that laboratory activities are required in Engineering, Science, and Technology Education. Laboratory activities aim at fulfillling pedagogical objectives and developing experimental skills. Laboratory activities can nowadays rely on digital education solutions. Such solutions generally integrate networked electronic devices such as computers (desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones) as well as networked measuring instruments or electromechanical devices. Online laboratories for education are technology enhanced learning resources. They are becoming more and more popular. This standard defines and establishes the relationship between all the components required to carry out pedagogically sound experiments using laboratories (equipment, software, hardware, and services). The standard aims at facilitating the work of lab owners when setting up and sharing online laboratories; the work of platform managers when offering and enabling the exploiting of online laboratories as learning objects; the work of teachers when integrating and implementing an online laboratory in their pedagogical scenarios; and the work of learners when interacting and learning with online laboratories.


New IEEE Standard - Active.Methods for storing, retrieving, and accessing online laboratories as smart and interactive learning objects are defined in this standard. For this purpose, the first level of the standard offers any online laboratory (lab) as a service (Lab as a Service or LaaS). The standard also defines methods for integrating online laboratories as smart learning objects in learning environments and learning object repositories.

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