AS 1418.3-1997 (R2016)

AS 1418.3-1997 (R2016) Cranes, hoists and winches - Bridge, gantry, portal (including container cranes) and jib cranes

standard by Standards Australia,

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Specifies the requirements for bridge, gantry, semi-gantry and portal cranes as defined in AS 2549, and for container and heavy duty cranes. Sections are included on classification and load rating, structure, stability, mechanisms, access from fixed platforms, access from mobile platforms, clearances, electrical access isolators, speed limitations for pendant - controlled cranes, marking and data, inspection and commissioning, and guarding. Appendices give further requirements for access and clearance, and the use of ladders, and give guidance on information to be supplied with enquiry, order or tender and typical hazards.RECONFIRMATION NOTICETechnical Committee ME-005 has reviewed the content of this publication and in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation, it has been determined that the publication is still valid and does not require change.Certain documents referenced in the publication may have been amended since the original date of publication. Users are advised to ensure that they are using the latest versions of such documents as appropriate, unless advised otherwise in this Reconfirmation Notice.Approved for reconfirmation in accordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation on 1 November 2016.The following are represented on Technical Committee ME-005:Australian Chamber of Commerce and IndustryAustralian Industry GroupAustralian Institute for Non-Destructive TestingBureau of Steel Manufacturers of AustraliaConcrete Pumping Association of AustraliaCrane Association of New ZealandCrane Industry Council of AustraliaDepartment of Industry, Skills and Regional Development (NSW)Department of Justice and Attorney General (QLD)Electricity Engineers Association (New Zealand)Engineers AustraliaInstitution of Professional Engineers New ZealandSafeWork NSWTransport for NSWWorksafe Division, Department of Commerce, Western AustraliaWorksafe New ZealandWorkSafe Victoria

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