AS 1428.2-1992 (R2015)

AS 1428.2-1992 (R2015) Design for access and mobility - Enhanced and additional requirements - Buildings and facilities

standard by Standards Australia,

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Sets out requirements for the design of buildings and facilities for access for people with disabilities. Where appropriate, these requirements are additional to the minimum requirements of AS 1428.1. Also covers requirements for buildings and facilities which are not covered in Part 1.RECONFIRMATION NOTICETechnical Committee ME-064 has reviewed the content of this publication and inaccordance with Standards Australia procedures for reconfirmation, it has beendetermined that the publication is still valid and does not require change.Reconfirmed documents cannot be amended, but may be formally revised and a newedition published.Certain documents referenced in the publication may have been amended since theoriginal date of publication. Users are advised to ensure that they are using the latestversions of such documents as appropriate, unless advised otherwise in thisReconfirmation Notice.Approved for reconfirmation in accordance with Standards Australia procedures forreconfirmation on 13 January 2015.Reconfirmed documents cannot be amended, but may be formally revised and a newedition published.The following are represented on Technical Committee ME-064.Association of Consultants in Access AustraliaAustralian Association of Occupational TherapistsAustralian Blindness ForumAustralian Building Codes BoardAustralian Industry GroupAustralian Institute of ArchitectsAustralian Institute of Building SurveyorsAUSTROADSBlind Citizens AustraliaConsumers Federation of AustraliaDeafness Forum of AustraliaDisabled Persons Assembly New ZealandHousing Industry AssociationMaster Builders AustraliaPhysical Disability AustraliaProperty Council of AustraliaRoyal New Zealand Foundation for the Blind

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